Since 2010 VIVACOM Fund and “Parents” Association publish a Manual for parents of first graders “Welcome to school, parents!”
The booklet is published in circulation of 50 000 units and is designated for all children who enter a classroom for the first time. The initiative of VIVACOM Fund and “Parents” Association received institutional support from the Ministry of Education and Science. The goal of the project is to provide pointers how to guide and supervise the first steps of the child in the school environment, while encouraging dialogue between the parents themselves with the participation of teachers.
Each year the publication “Welcome to school, parents!” shows a completely new design and content. The latest edition focuses on the healthy behaviour of children in school by addressing not only the physical, but also the psychological and social aspects of the school life. With its help parents can obtain useful information about the children’s diet and daily regime and how they could help them in the acquisition of learning skills. In the Manuel parents may also find useful information on topics such as pocket money, mobile phones, safer use of the Internet, how to talk to teachers, how to help the child to build relationships with his classmates, etc.
Parents of first-graders, who have already had the opportunity to examine the manual, said that the need for it is obvious, because the school environment is a closed one and they need to be able to enter into it actively and well prepared. According to them, the presentation of a number of topics of importance for first-graders in such a concise form in the publication is of great benefit.
The social responsibility of the company to the community is an essential part of our development strategy. Long-term support to projects in the field of education and raising the young generation will continue to be the subject of our attention and support in the future.